Wednesday 11 February 2015


" Is not about what your country can do for you but what you can do for your Country"
   ---Thomas Jefferson---
This quote reminds me of the time when politics was about ones desire to sacrifice for the good of the country and the empoerment of the comon man.
Now the politics of today is about enriching oneself at the detriment of the poor and less priviledged in our society.
I long for the days of another Thomas Sankara to sweep the African Continent of it's disease of corruption and anarchy in the name of politics.
I started a series of poems called "Nigeria My Love" on my facebook page born out of my frustration at the state of the affairs of Nigerian Politics today.
Nigeia has been asleep for over fifty years on the wheels and no one seems to be concerned about it.
When will the youths stand up and be counted for?
#TM Time

You & I - Kapuchi Official Video